Tag Archives: policy

Keystone XL: Politicians’ inability to balance social, environmental, and economic implications of decisions

By Samantha T. Given the senate’s ruling against the Keystone pipeline last month, I thought it would be an appropriate topic to discuss. While the entire continent is crisscrossed with oil and gas pipelines, none has drawn more attention than Keystone XL which hopes to connect the oil sands of Alberta, Canada to the oil […]

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Fracking Policy When Left to the States

By Sun-Young C. As seen with several cases (Mexico City’s water shortage, California’s agriculture, and even various power markets), a move towards government involvement and a more coordinated form of regulation most often results in more efficient allocation and delivery of scarce resources through improved incentives for the parties involved. A case in which government […]

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A Case for Government Investment in Innovation in Energy

By Lauren Burrows There is currently a debate raging in the U.S. about government’s role in investing in the clean energy industry. High profile bankruptcies such as Solyndra and A123 have convinced many that the government has no business investing in private companies, or “picking winners.” The often repeated refrain is that government should stick […]

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